I am a web developer and technical SEO. As a perfectionist, I enjoy staring at the nitty gritty details and exploring the inner workings of systems.
Yes. I’m a bit of a nerd. But not one of the antisocial ones. I genuinely love people. There is something energizing and rewarding in helping others, talking, teaching, and socializing.
You may be wondering how I became the person I am. Well, it is a long story. It starts before I was born, but we won’t go back that far. I started building websites in 2013 with simple HTML and CSS. I quickly started learning PHP to enable me to customize Joomla, the first CMS I used. However, I soon discovered getting a site to show up in Google was more work than building the website. With that, I dove headfirst into the world of SEO.
As time went on, the relative popularity of Joomla waned as that of WordPress grew. I reluctantly learned WordPress but was pleasantly surprised to find it works well for blogs, small business websites, and e-commerce sites (with WooCommerce). I have yet to be convinced that it should be used as the default CMS, especially for more specialized content types or high traffic websites.
In 2018 I started learning Python and have built and deployed a few several applications with Flask and Django. Go and TypeScript were added to my toolbox over the last two years. I possess a decent knowledge of Vue.js, AWS, Linux, Apache, SQL, Git, and a dozen other things I work with day in and day out. I am never done learning. I have a long list of technologies that I would like to learn.
I craft each project as a piece of art. My keyboard is my brush and my next masterpiece is but waiting to be discovered. I love what I do!
My focus is on creating simple, elegant, maintainable code that creates real value for the people who use it.
In my free time, I also enjoy reading, writing about SEO and web development, and teaching classes for the local chamber of commerce. When I am not busy making the internet a better place, my time is spent with my beautiful wife, Emily, and my one-year-old son.
I am a...
Web Developer
I write code that creates websites and solves internet problems. Unfortunately, I probably can't help fix your printer. Have you considered burning incense and chanting "Xerox rocks" while dancing around the printer?
Technical SEO
Crawler traps, indexing, deduping, and rendering speed are all things that I like to think about. No. I can't make your website #1 on Google, But no one else can promise that either, so I don't feel bad.
Programing languages are tools, not religions (except JavaScript it needs homage and sacrifices before it will do as you ask.) I am very comfortable working in PHP, TypeScript, Python, and Go. I am also learning Spanish.
Connect With Me
Do you work in the digital marketing or web development space? Are you interested in learning more about marketing? Or do you need web development expertise?
If your answer is "Yes", then I would enjoy connecting with you. Please feel free to network with me on one of my social channels, or contact me directly.